Legal Notice
This website is owned by:
Hauke Hein
Bartelsstr. 2a
20357 Hamburg
1. Website Disclaimer Notice
We have created the contents of our website with the utmost care. Nevertheless, we accept no liability whatsoever for the contents provided. According to sec. 7 para 1 TDG, as service provider we are responsible for our own contents. Nevertheless, we are not obligated to constantly monitor transmitted or stored third party information (§ § 8-10 TDG). However, we shall promptly remove any contents once we become aware that it violates the law. Our liability shall not commence before we become aware of the respective violation of law.
2. Limitation of Liability for Links
Our website may contain links to third party websites. These linked sites are solely in the responsibility and liability of the third party and therefore are not under our control. We have checked the linked websites for possible violations of law at the time of the actual linking, and no violations of law were identified. A permanent control without concrete evidence of violations is not possible to us. If violations of law are noticed, the relevant links will be removed promptly.
3. Copyright
The contents and works provided on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution, or any form of commercialisation of our contents and works requires our prior written consent. The unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of contents of our website is expressly prohibited and liable to prosecution. Copies or downloads of our website are not permitted for commercial use.